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上海隽腾会展有限公司,自成立以来,一直打造为“诚信、责任、服务至上”的价值观的创新型展览服务机构,一直活跃于国际会展事业舞台上,在欧洲、澳洲、亚洲、非洲等国际市场领域都留下我们的足迹,项目涉及到水产渔业、综合食品、酒店用品、包装机械等领域,致力于为中国企业打造最完整的出展方案! 我们深耕每一个行业,挖掘每一个优质展会,为企业架起一座座展览桥梁,让企业更好的走出去是我们的核心价值所在。主要业务涉及到展位申请、展位设计搭建、~~办理、机票酒店预订等,专注、服务企业为发展目标,挖掘、引领商业契机为宗旨! 未来,隽腾会展将以更强的专业信息以及企业宗旨服务展览行业,为中国的企业经贸贡献我们的一份力量! SHANGHAI JUNETEAM EXPO CO., LTD., since its establishment. Always adhere to the concept of "integrity, responsibility, service first" concept to serve customers,has been active in international convention and exhibition business stage, in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa and other international markets have left our footprints, project involves the aquaculture fisheries, food, hotel supplies, packaging machinery and other fields, for Chinese enterprises to build the most complete export plan! We know every industry, and explore every quality exhibition, for the enterprise to set up a bridge exhibition, let the enterprise better go out and can harvest more.Our main business involves booth application, booth design and construction, visa application, air ticket and hotel reservation, etc.We focus on and serve the enterprise as the development goal, explore and lead the business opportunity as the purpose! In the future, juneteam exhibition will serve the exhibition industry with stronger professional information and enterprise purpose, and contribute our strength to China's enterprise economy and trade! 商铺网址:http://DW9494.cn.vooec.com |